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Over the next twelve months this blog will document the recording of CASAMENA's latest project, a hip-hop, bata exploration with Michael Spiro and your blog keeper, Carlos Mena. I've recently decided to include all things CASAMENA here as well so you'll read about other projects as well.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Back in the lab

Miami was crazy of course. met so many folks, went to so many parties... hilights?
1. Tequilla at 11am with Charles Spencer
2. Dancing to Santos' tunes at 7am
3. The King Britt / Viktor D. party. WOW on so many levels. I'm still processing...
4. Nadirah Shakoor at Rain, wowzers!!
5. The love from the local Ft. Laud and Miami folks.. real big! Thank you.

and if that wasn't enough, hit NYC with Rafa, and managed to get two songs done with Vinia.
Now I'm back in the lab, I'll be here for two weeks, so expect more goodness to be cooked up.



  • At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeahhhhh for the King Brit Victor D. Party. It was mad chilly that night.

  • At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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