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Over the next twelve months this blog will document the recording of CASAMENA's latest project, a hip-hop, bata exploration with Michael Spiro and your blog keeper, Carlos Mena. I've recently decided to include all things CASAMENA here as well so you'll read about other projects as well.

Monday, July 03, 2006

No posts in June.. sorry busy Mena... keep up my dates and such at look for the CASAMENA Basement Remix of Osunlade's "Casablanca Soul", it's finished and will be part of a remix EP from his Aquarian Moon album. On the label front, Ocha Records may have finally found a home, more on that soon, but expect our first releases this fall.
As for production work here at casamena, I am working on a few things, for various folks.. too much to get into now, but as they approach completion I will let you know.

peace for now!